I am honored, humbled, and privileged to assume the role of president of Electronics Safety &Security Association of Bangladesh (ESSAB). I specially grateful & thankful to the founder, all former presidents and honorable members for their leadership & contribution to the ESSAB. I have been inspired by their dedication and accomplishment to ESSAB.
ESSAB built a strong platform by sharing and interacting with the knowledge and modern technology for fire safety including integrated systems in Bangladesh. ESSAB become the largest remarkable trade association by dint of endeavor effort, dedication and sincerity. ESSAB plays a significant role in creating awareness about fire safety in the country.
We are going to graduate LDC 2026 and 2041 as a developed country. In this circumstances, unexpected infrastructure development will be implemented in the country. Whereas fire safety precaution is an important and integrated part for saving those infrastructure, buildings & Industrial complexes as well as lives. Hence without fire safety implementation nothing will be protected & saved.
In this connection, ESSAB is always ready to be aware of the people, society & concerning body providing training, orientation programs, demonstrations & interacting the knowledge with all. In addition, ESSAB is interested in working together with the government, professional body & international team to save our country from fire risks & hazards. I hope this togetherness will keep our society & country safe & secure.
Our mission, vision & challenges will be to save our society, country as well as people from fire risk & hazard including participating of socioeconomic activities in the country. ESSAB interested in working together with the government & related concerned body to accomplish the target of vision 2026 & 2041 for a developing country.
It is my pleasure & honor to serve myself as the president of ESSAB to take this association to a further level by continually serving our society with a humanitarian mentality.
Md. Niaz Ali Chisty
Electronics Safety and Security Association of Bangladesh- ESSAB